Monday, 21 September 2015


Copy of Memorandum presented to Prime Minister and
Deputy Prime Minister on 26-3-04 on their visit to Amritsar

60, Diamond Avenue, Majitha Road, Amritsar -0183- 2421915


Hon'ble Sh.Attal Bihar Vajpayee Sahib
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
Amritsar Camp

Hon'ble Sh. Lal Krishan Advani sahib,
Deputy Prime Minister of India
Amritsar Camp

Sub- Peace Process and Relevance of Border Shrine of Gurdwara Kartarpur where three Religions of the region are represented by the presence of three tombs of the single prophet)

Respected sir,

God has showered a unique blessing on you and your team for setting new precedent of love of initiation of Peace Process in the sub-continent. With this pious process is linked another pious deed the passage to a unique pious shrine of a person better call him a prophet.  It is a unique shrine because there exist three tombs of a single prophet: Guru Nanak. It is linked with the peace process because it exists on the border; the barbed border where the serene atmosphere is often broken with gun and cannon shots. Kartarpur the shrine is unique in many aspects. It is the birth place of Sikhism founded by Guru Nanak which you respect and worship. It is the place where he stayed for maximum amount of time of his life; 18 years. It is also the place where Guru Nanak passed away merging with the supreme soul. Kartarpur is just 2 kms. from Indo-Pak border on the right bank of river Ravi in Pakistan territory. It has remained virtually abandoned for the past 56 years. Wild grass has been seen growing on its floors and so has wildness been witnessed in the international relations for half a century now. Otherwise the poorer nations they have been spending most of their budgets on arms and ammunition.

We learn Pakistan has in the year 1999 cut the grass and swept the pious floors of Kartarpur  and so has happened a miracle of initiation of peace process. Because you both are highly religious persons and the basic philosophy of religion is that there is 'jot' the element of God in every individual. The humanity has been craving for union in the last century but the rulers had been laying barbed wires to prevent the union. You a fortunate person because God has chosen you for this pious cause otherwise there always had been rulers around. So sahibs go ahead and let the love grow in humanity.

Sir, as you know  the Pakistan Government reciprocating your peace initiative has offered on three occasions that it is willing to grant a free corridor to the most important the universal shrine the Kartarpur where the three prominent religions of the area are represented by three memorials. Thus it is a golden opportunity for the humanity to come together. And very practical one also because the shrine is not far away from the border just two kilometre from us. Besides the whole passage is visible to naked eye and is not  habitated.  We appeal to your highnesses that please see that this golden opportunity is not wasted or missed.

For your kind information  this shrine is a universal  point on earth which can't be confined to any country or nation. Even, Sir Ceril Radcliffe who drew boundary-line between India and Pakistan in 1947 could not divide Kartarpur. People know that as per June 3, 1947 declaration the whole of Gurdaspur distt. was given to Pakistan which meant that Kartarpur had gone deep in Pakistan territory. But the division didn't work and had to be revised. Radcliffe bisected Gurdaspur in such a way that Kartarpur was exactly on the borderline. This is an open miracle and the story of Kartarpur is full of miracles.

For your kind information on March 7 instant there concluded the Chola Sahib festivel at Dera Baba Nanak and the newspapers report that about 10 lakh people had had darshan from distance of this rare shrine. This non-political body the Sangat appeals to you to please feel the pulse of the silent millions and kindly consider this demand of the people  and the offer of Pakistan with an open mind. Kindly make the declaration at the earliest. You declare your positive intention and leave the election process on Him. Guru Nanak will take care of it. You are at Amritsar today, you want to undo the unjustice done to Sikhs by the previous regimes. Please make a declaration for Kartarpur Corridor and the Sikhs are with you.

May Guru bless you both with mutual love, understanding  and unity and sound health and happiness and the opportunity to serve the people for another term.

With regards,

Yours truly,

Chakar Neech
Sangat Langha Kartarpur
60, Diamond Avenue, Majitha Road, AMRITSAR

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