Monday, 21 September 2015



Ambassador McDonald Visits Kartarpur Corridor

“Let Kartarpur be Declared a Peace Zone”

“At the Indo-Pak border, I am shocked to see the barbed fence with high voltage current in it,”    -Ambassador John W. McDonald

Please also see:

FREEDOM OF PRESS IN INDIA? Media Ignores McDonald at Kartarpur

The legendry global peace maker Mr. McDonald visited the site of proposed Kartarpur Sahib Corridor at Dera Baba Nanak District Gurdaspur, India. Mr. McDonald is a career diplomat for over 40 years. He has been associated with United Nations for 16 years. He heads an organisation called Institute of Multi-Track Diplomacy (IMTD) which is engaged in noble cause of peace building the world over. He has been involved in Kashmir issue as well.  He is being credited for peace bus in the Kashmir conflict zone namely Sri Nagar –Muzzafarabad bus service. He said he will work for a bridge over the river Ravi at Kartarpur the way he got Muzzafarabad bridge repaired. Jathedar Kuldip Singh Wadala and his associates welcomed Mr. McDonald. As we know Jathedar Wadala leads monthly prayers at Kartarpur Corridor site but in his today’s prayer he prayed for strength to 86 year old Mr. McDonald. Jathedar Wadala wished that Kartarpur Corridor plan will materialise with the efforts of Mr. He was surprised the way there exist three tombhs of Guru Nanak at Kartarpur sahib and that how the prominent 3 community of the area namely Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs  respect Kartarpur. Mr. McDonald was accompanied by Dr. Eileen Borris and Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, his colleagues in IMTD. A Sikh writer and journalist Tridevish Singh Maini appealed to Mr. McDonald to visit Kartarpur.

Reaching Corridor Point Mr McDonald was shocked to see the barbed fence on Indo-Pak border which ran a high voltage electric current. "It is cruel than the Berlin Wall, " he said. Mr McDonald  says a great trade potential in Kartarpur Corridor. He again was surprised to know that Pakistan was willing to grant a visa free corridor to visitors from India while the India was  maintaining silence on this issue for 7 years. He said future of India and Pakistan lies in peace.

Mr. McDonald is a founder Chairman of IMTD a novel concept to achieve global peace from various dimensions. Dr. Borris explained, “ Multi-Track Diplomacy is a conceptual way to view the process of international peacemaking as a living system and that it looks at the web of interconnected activities, individuals, institutions, and communities that operate together for a common goal: a world at peace.” Mr. McDonald made intense efforts to locate the old bridge on river Ravi which was bombarded in 1965 war.

Here are a few photographs of his visit to Kartarpur.

Mr. McDonald explains a point to Jathedar Kuldip Singh Wadala while Mrs. Murray looks on

THE GIANTS TOGETHER:  Mr. McDonald, Mr. Gurinder Singh Bajwa, Jathedar Wadala, Dr. Borris under a centuries old banyan tree which are symbol of peaceful coexistance. These trees are the Corridor Point.

Mr. McDonald  right at the Indo-Pak border which has many a conflict.

Mr. McDonald  wished to address the press right at the border. Mark the observation towers and barbed fence.

Mr. McDonald addressing press

Mr. McDonald addressing press

Mr. McDonald addressing press

Mr. McDonald addressing press

The legendary Jathedar Wadala prays for strength to Mr. McDonald

Mr. McDonald at Durbar Sahib the third tomb of Guru Nanak founder of Sikhism.

Mr. McDonald at Durbar Sahib the third tomb of Guru Nanak founder of Sikhism.

Mr. McDonald at Durbar Sahib the third tomb of Guru Nanak founder of Sikhism.

Mr. T.S.Maini shows the historic well associated with Guru Nanak to Dr. Borris

Mr. McDonald and Mrs Murray at Durbar Sahib

Mr. McDonald and Mrs Murray at Durbar Sahib

Dr. Borris was presented a photograph of Kartarpur Sahib along with printed material
From left Mr. Maini,  Mian Abuzar Shad of Lahore Pakistan, Jathedar Wadala, Mr. Macdonald and Mrs Murray,  


About Mr. McDonald's IMTD

Since 1992 the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy has initiated and facilitated conflict transformation projects throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Most recently, IMTD has been working on projects linked to Georgia, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Israel and Palestine, Pakistan and Kashmir as well as on issues related to Water and Peace and the inclusion of conflict resolution training in military institutes. Using a systems-based approach, IMTD facilitates dialogue between various groups to promote structural change enabling long-term, sustainable peace. By transforming conflict through a multi-track lens, IMTD’s activities address the tangible and intangible conditions perpetuating a conflict, thus expanding the traditional framework of peacemaking to include both official and unofficial spheres.


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