Tuesday, 22 September 2015


               S. Manohar Singh Gill, MP (Ex Chief Election Commissioner of India)--- Gill sahib has played an extremely important role in this Corridor Campaign and was instrumental in bringing the Indian Foreign Minister to the Corridor site. May Guru Nanak bless strength to this Guru's Sikh. We have (without his permission; of course) copied a page from his personal website as under. But before that see a few  news items that appeared in papers regarding his persuasion of Corridor cause:

Gill , Dr. M.S.
Father's Name : Col. Pratap Singh Gill
Mother's Name : Shrimati Niranjan Kaur
Date of Birth : 14 June 1936
Spouse's Name : Shrimati Vinnie Gill
Children : Three daughters
Educational Qualifications : Senior Cambridge, B.A. (Honours), M.A., Ph.D., Diploma in Development Studies, University of Cambridge Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) : Punjab Agriculture University, Panjab University, Haryana Agriculture University, Madras University and Guwahati University; Honorary Fellow, Queens' College, Cambridge, U.K.
Profession : Social Worker/Social Service,Public Service.
Permanent Address : Vill. Aldinpur, Distt. Amritsar, Punjab
Present Address : (i) A-56, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi. 110013
Tel. - (Tel. 24352544, 24352323,24352545, 26654553, Mobile: 9868181000]
(ii)12, Mother Teresa Crescent Road, New Delhi
Tel. - (Tel. 23792953)
E-mail : msgill@sansad.nic.in
Positions Held :
1961-62 Deputy Commissioner and Collector, Lahaul and Spiti (now in Himachal Pradesh) 1965-67 Collector and Deputy Commissioner of Districts Ambala (now in Haryana) and Jalandhar (Punjab) 1977-81 Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister of Punjab 1985-88 Development Commissioner, Punjab 1988-92 Secretary, Department of Chemicals, Petro-Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Government of India 1992-93 Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Government of India 1993-96 Election Commissioner of India 1996-2001 Chief Election Commissioner of India April 2004 Elected to Rajya Sabha Aug. 2005 onwards Member, Committee on Agriculture Permanent Special Invitee, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of External Affairs Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Civil Aviation Jan. 2006 onwards Member, Indian Council of World Affairs
Books Published :
(i) Himalayan Wonderland: Travels in Lahaul - Spiti, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1972, (ii) Folk Tales of Lahaul, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1977, (second edition, 1978), (iii) Lahaul and Spiti, Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, April, 1975, (iv) "An Assessment of the Green Revolution in India" in J.G.Hawkes (edited), Conservation and Agriculture, Duckworth, London, 1978, (v) Punjab Agriculture, Government of Punjab, November, 1979, (vi) Agricultural Cooperatives : A Case Study of Punjab, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1983, which was subsequently updated and published under the title : An Indian Success Story - Agriculture and Cooperatives, Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 1993, (vii) The Electoral System in India, Election Commission of India, 1997 and (viii) Elections in India - Major Events and New Initiatives, 1996-2000, Election Commission of India, September, 2000
Social and Cultural Activities, Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments and other Special Interests : 
Awarded, (i) Padma Vibhushan conferred by the President of India in February 2000, (ii) Dadabhai Naoroji New Millenium International Award in January 2000 for lifetime achievement and service to India and (iii) Nishan-e-Khalsa, the recognition of the Sikh people on the 300th anniversary of the Sikh faith; Honorary Fellow, Queens' College, Cambridge
Sports, Clubs, Favourite Pastimes and Recreation : 
The first member of the Indian Administrative Service to go to the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling and trained with Tenzing Norgay, the Everest hero in 1961; has climbed to a height of 20,000 ft.; played a major role in promoting Indian sports and took the Indian contingent to the Mexico Olympics in 1968; President, (i) Indian Mountaineering Foundation, 1993-99 and (ii) Himalayan Club since 1999; Member, Nehru Trust for Cambridge University
Countries Visited :  Widely travelled
Other Information :
Served in the Indian Administrative Service (I.A.S.), 1958-93; allotted to the Punjab Cadre of the I.A.S; organized and led the Sokoto Agriculture Development Project, Nigeria, funded by World Bank during 1981-85           

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